Dickeyville Community Park Revitalization Is Announced
The Dickeyville Community Park Committee started Phase I of the Revitalization Plan, which includes converting the tennis courts into a full-sized basketball court and four pickleball courts. Completion of Phase I is targeted for June 1.
Donations are making the Phase I a reality. To date, the following donations have been received:
The Dickeyville/Kieler Lions Club - $3,000
The Kuepers and Gantenbein families – Basketball Hoops
Robbie & Brooke Lange - $5,000
Midwest Community Development - $3,000 for Phase I, and up to $50,000 match for Splash Pad
Millie’s Diner - $3,000
Anonymous Matching Fund - $10,000
The next phases will include the addition of a splash pad and replacement of the playground equipment. Donations are now being accepted through the Dickeyville Village Office (608) 568-3333. The Dickeyville Park Foundation, a 501(c)(3), is currently being established.
The Park Committee is planning Family Nights at the Park, starting the latter part of June. These events will include pickleball demonstrations and open play, basketball, baseball, playground activities, live music, and more. Concessions will also be available. Watch for additional information regarding Family Nights!